Safety Step
Safety Step
Sometimes, a step up in life is essential. Taking that sentiment to heart, Safety Step creates step stools for all industries. For over a decade, the company has built its products on a foundation of safety and strength. The end result is step stools designed to fit a number of consumer and commercial needs, ranging from personal vehicles and recreational vehicles to industrial uses, medical uses, and applications across the transportation industry. The company’s step stools are also frequently used in warehouses and commercial buildings. One product line is even designed for residential use.
Safety Step’s History
Currently, Safety Step has two locations in the US, which are Virginia and Ohio. From these facilities, the company manufactures products and distributes them to individuals, industries, and businesses throughout the US and Canada. The company also works with several distribution partners to ensure industrial step stools are delivered to consumers as quickly and carefully as possible. The company is proud of its diverse product lines and its dedication to quality. From the materials it uses to its individualized approach to customer satisfaction, the company has a high level of customer service and quality standards.
Products and Markets
The company creates a wide range of step stools designed for many different uses. Its stools range in height from six inches to over 12 inches. They are covered with strips, carpet, and other surface materials to prevent slips. Accessories are available as well, including legs, straps, and handles. Stools are made in assorted colors to match any décor. Picket fences are available too for those who want a complete solution to their safety needs.
When you need to access tall vehicles or reach top shelves safely, a quality step stool is essential. Luckily, Safety Step is there to meet your needs.