
We all know that preventive maintenance can extend the life of the machinery that we own or operate. That is why it is important to properly maintain your Parker crimpers.

Below you will find preventive maintenance recommendations for all seven crimpers from the Parker family of crimpers, along with additional troubleshooting tips.


Minikrimp, Karrykrimp, Karrykrimp 2 Preventive Maintenance

1. Check hydraulic oil level every 40 hours of operation.

2. Always check the oil level with the crimper cylinder in the fully retracted position. If the cylinder is advanced when the pump is filled, the reservoir will be over-filled when retracted.

  ● The oil level should be within ½" to 1" below the fill opening.

  ● If it is necessary to add oil, use Enerpac oil only.

  ● If oil temperature rises to 140° F, turn off machine and let cool to 120° F.  

  *Note:  A 12 volt vehicle battery powered pump uses AW-46 hydraulic oil.

3. Drain and refill reservoir every 1,000 hours of operation.

4. Check the crimp bowl weekly for signs of wear.

5. Clean the crimp bowl of old grease on a weekly basis. Re-grease the crimp bowl after the bowl has been cleaned.

6. Apply approved lithium grease to the dies and crimp bowl each time the dies are changed. If dies are not changed through a day’s operation, grease should be applied at least twice a day.

7. For crimp diameters that are out of specification, refer to the attached Crimp Diameter Troubleshooting Guide below.


Parkrimp 1 Preventive Maintenance

1. Check hydraulic oil level every 40 hours of operation.

2. Always check the oil level with the crimper cylinder in the fully retracted position. If the cylinder is advanced when the pump is filled, the reservoir will be over-filled when retracted.

3. The oil level should be within 1" below the fill opening.

4. If it is necessary to add oil, use high grade AW-32 hydraulic oil.

5. If oil temperature rises to 140° F, turn off machine and let cool to 120° F.

6. Drain and refill reservoir every 1,000 hours of operation.

7. Check the crimp bowl weekly for signs of wear.

8. Clean the crimp bowl of old grease on a weekly basis. Re-grease the crimp bowl after the bowl has been cleaned.

9. Apply approved lithium grease to the dies and crimp bowl each time the dies are changed. If dies are not changed through a day’s operation, grease should be applied at least twice a day.


Phastkrimp Preventive Maintenance

1. Check hydraulic oil level every 40 hours of operation.

2. Always check the oil level with the crimper cylinder in the fully retracted position. If the cylinder is advanced when the pump is filled, the reservoir will be over-filled when retracted.

3. The oil level should be to the top of the sight glass on the back of the power unit.

4. If it is necessary to add oil, use AW-46 hydraulic oil only.

5. If oil temperature rises to 140° F, turn off machine and let cool to 120° F.

6. Drain and refill reservoir every 1,000 hours of operation.

7. Check the crimp bowl weekly for signs of wear.

8. Clean the crimp bowl of old grease on a weekly basis.

9. Re-grease the crimp bowl after the bowl has been cleaned.

10. Apply approved lithium grease to the dies and crimp bowl each time the dies are changed. If dies are not changed through a day’s operation, grease should be applied at least twice a day.

11. For crimp diameters that are out of specification, refer to the Crimp Diameter Troubleshooting Guide below.


Superkrimp and Parkrimp 2 Preventive Maintenance

1. Check hydraulic oil level every 40 hours of operation.

2. Always check the oil level with the crimper cylinder in the fully retracted position. If the cylinder is advanced when the pump is filled, the reservoir will be over-filled when retracted.

3. The oil level should be to the top of the sight glass on the side of the power unit.

4. If it is necessary to add oil, use Enerpac oil only.

5. If oil temperature rises to 140° F, turn off machine and let cool to 120° F.

6. Drain and refill reservoir every 1,000 hours of operation.

7. Check the crimp bowl weekly for signs of wear.

8. Clean the crimp bowl of old grease on a weekly basis. Re-grease the crimp bowl after the bowl has been cleaned.

9. Apply approved lithium grease to the dies and crimp bowl each time the dies are changed. If dies are not changed through a day’s operation, grease should be applied at least twice a day.

10. For crimp diameters that are out of specification, refer to the attached Crimp Diameter Troubleshooting Guide below.

Exhibit 1: How to measure your crimp diameter

On standard Parkrimp Series fittings:  Measure the crimp diameter on the flat surfaces in the middle of the crimped shell.

For 26 Series fittings: Measure the crimp diameter on the flat of the last groove on the barrel crimp closest to the hose.

Crimp Diameter

Rules of thumb

If a fitting is crimping above specification - example: Spec calls for .955 crimp diameter and the actual measured diameter is .975, then the crimper bowl and/or dies are worn.

When a fitting is crimping below specification (and you are using a brand new die) - example: Spec calls for a .955 crimp diameter and the actual measured diameter is .935, there is a good chance that the new die is out of specification.

Exhibit 2: Crimper power unit operating pressuresCrimper power unit operating pressures

Are your crimp diameters out of spec?

Follow this step-by-step crimp diameter troubleshooting guide to determine what is causing your crimps to be out of spec.Parker Parkrimp Crimper Diameter Troubleshooting Guide*Control Die/Control Crimper: A control die and/or crimper is a tool that you know is crimping within specification.


Questions about Parker crimpers?


Posted by Linn Martinez

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